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Medieval-Times-Horse-768x1024 Medieval Times Dinner Tournament - Family Fun At It's Best

Dining at Medieval Times has never been so much fun!

A couple of weeks ago my family had a VIP experience at Medieval Times, Buena Park  that included a front row seat to one of the best dinner and shows.

As the tournament began and the knights entered the stadium, the room was filled with electrifying cheers.   We watched the graceful performance of one beautiful stallion. We experienced the flight of a royal falcon.  As it flew through the crowd the room fell silent and there were whispers of oohs and aahhs as the bird flew over the crowd with elegance and grace. And this was just the beginning.

Dining at Medieval Times can be for a special occasion or just because….Some people came for birthdays,  in which  we sang happy birthday  to them.  Not only were people celebrating birthdays, some people were celebrating anniversaries, some were on their honeymoon and one woman  was celebrating her divorce.

Medieval-Times-Horse-768x1024 Medieval Times Dinner Tournament - Family Fun At It's Best

The show began with the lord chancellor saying let the games begin.  As the knights clashed their way to the Kings champion  we feasted on garlic bread, tomato bisque soup, roasted chicken, sweet buttered corn, herb-basted potatoes, the pastry of the Castle, coffee and two rounds of select beverages.   The knight for our section was the red knight.  Unfortunately he did fare well during the fight.   It did not matter to our section because we loudly cheered him on.  We were having a good time.

Medieval-Times-Horse-768x1024 Medieval Times Dinner Tournament - Family Fun At It's Best

As the show was coming to an end, the pastry of the castle was placed before us.  It was a moist, slice of lemon pound cake.  I usually do not drink coffee, but I did on this day it paired nicely with my cake.  I am a tea drinker, but it was not an option.  I would have loved a nice chamomile with my dessert.

Medieval-Times-Horse-768x1024 Medieval Times Dinner Tournament - Family Fun At It's Best

We have dined at Medieval Times before, but this was the first time we all ate our entire meal.  Even my 11 year old son ate everything.  The chicken was seasoned and cooked to perfection.  The corn was so delicious. I was hoping my son or daughter would ask me if I wanted theirs.  That never happened.   I guess I  did not need it after all.  When the entire family has eaten everything on their plate, you know you are eating at one of the best restaurants for families.

Medieval-Times-Horse-768x1024 Medieval Times Dinner Tournament - Family Fun At It's Best

There was never a dull moment.  As we ate we were fully entertained. That is what happens when you dine at one of the best family dinner restaurants. The time seemed to have flown by.  As they say, “Time flies when you are having fun.”This was an enjoyable and memorable day.

Medieval-Times-Horse-768x1024 Medieval Times Dinner Tournament - Family Fun At It's Best


Medieval-Times-Horse-768x1024 Medieval Times Dinner Tournament - Family Fun At It's Best

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