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IMG_3624 Are Calabasas City Leaders Really Dealing With Racism In Calabasas?

Calabasas Schools and Los Angeles County Sheriff

Are Calabasas City Leaders Really Dealing With Racism In Calabasas?

On June 29th, the City of Calabasas missed the mark during its conversation with the community.  This was a sad attempt to diffuse issues of racism within its community.
The meeting was comprised of Calabasas City leaders, Black students, a Black businessman, and one Black school administrator.   The students shared their thoughts and answered scripted questions from the leaders.  City leaders answered safe questions, that seemed as though they had created and submitted themselves. 
City leaders like Dan Stepenosky, LVUSD school superintendent, and Capitan Salvador Becerra, are well aware of racism in this community.  During this discussion, they acted as if they were shocked that there is racism in Calabasas.
How does LVSUD deal with racism?
For years, Black parents have directly contacted Stepenosky about racism in the district,  and nothing has been done. It is insulting to see him pretend that he is trying to make a change. Numerous times, he mentioned classes and books that the staff and administrators were using as tools, to teach them how to deal with racism. There is no way they are going to learn from a book or a class being taught by their non-black peers.  Many times, I have suggested they bring in an outside Black organization to educate them.   They have refused to speak with the organizations. How can Stepenosky make things better when he is apart of the problem?  LVUSD is set on doing things their way.  They ask insulting questions that they do not want to hear the answers to.  They are not open to taking advice and they are not open to change.  
How does the Los Angeles County Sheriff deal with racism in Calabasas?
As for Becerra, Black people have gone to the sheriff’s station in fear for themselves, families, or children. Many times, the tables have been turned on them or nothing has been done.  There is also an issue of racial profiling in Calabasas.   This is not just an issue with black men.  Black women experience it as well.

Issues With This Meeting 
  1. The meeting was not properly promoted. Not all residents were properly informed of this meeting. I learned about the meeting because a parent of one of the panelists posted on social media. When I began to reach out to other residents/LVUSD parents they had not heard about it as well. Whenever something is going on in the city, that pertains to the schools, Stepenosky will send out a mass email.  An email was not sent out regarding this meeting.
  2. All questions that were submitted before the meeting, were funneled through Stepenosky and Becerra.  I was told this when I submitted my questions.
  3. All questions seemed as though they were created by the meeting coordinators. None of the questions that I know were submitted were addressed or read.   
  4. The panel did not include black LVUSD parents.
  5. No questions or comments from the public were addressed or read.  When one student wanted to address the public, he was told they would address them later.   Later never came.  They claimed they were running out of time.  
  6. The provided link did not work.  People that were aware of the meeting had to find a working link, and then share it with one another.  
  7. When introductions were made, a Calabasas City employee shared, she was the first Hispanic person to hold her position.  I do not know why that was important.  I am guessing, she was trying to relate to the Black panelist.  It all seemed scripted.
  8. City Leaders expressed numerous times that they were impressed with the student responses or how well the discussion was going. Why would this be so shocking? Were they expecting anything less?  
Sadly, this meeting and the invited panelist were used as pawns to advance the city’s own agenda. It is clear they want to appear that the city is not racist and is trying to fix this problem. This is a sad attempt in saying they are taking action and are dealing with racism.  There was nothing genuine about this meeting.  
Seeing Stepenoksy in this meeting is a clear indication that this is another meeting that will go nowhere.  He has wasted many family’s time.  Everything he does is for appearances.
While city leaders put on their performance, LeRhonda Greats from Viewpoint made a plea to parents.  She expressed the importance of being involved and being advocates for your children.  As a Black parent, I question Greats’ reason for making this statement and am very insulted.  For over 20 years, I have been advocating for my children and have been very involved in their schooling. All of the Black parents I know in this community and district are very involved.  No matter how involved Black parents are, the LVUSD school district will find a way to dismiss the issues that are presented to them.
Calabasas City leaders played it safe while organizing this meeting.  This was a poor attempt to deal with the real issues. Their system only works for them.  It is hard to believe they are trying to right the wrongs in this community. This city and district will remain stuck until they mend the hearts of the Black people in this community.  Action speaks louder than words. 

IMG_3624 Are Calabasas City Leaders Really Dealing With Racism In Calabasas?
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Are Calabasas City Leaders Really Dealing With Racism In Calabasas?
See how Black high school students educate Calabasas City Leaders on dealing with racism in the community.
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Free and For Me
IMG_3624 Are Calabasas City Leaders Really Dealing With Racism In Calabasas?

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