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Jennie-O-2BTurkey-300x169 Quick Turkey Recipes With My Jennie-O Oven Ready Turkey

Yes, I already have my Jennie-O Oven Ready Turkey, in preparation for Thanksgiving.

For the past couple of years my son and I have been preparing the oven ready turkey for Thanksgiving.  Ever since my son was a toddler it has been a tradition that he helps me with Thanksgiving dinner.  I recall the first couple of years we did not use an oven ready turkey and I was up all night cooking.  Now those days are behind us and all we have to do is take it from the freezer and place it in the oven.

Now that we have been preparing the oven ready turkey we are able to focus on our side dishes and we are definitely not as exhausted.    Speaking of side dishes, this turkey comes with gravy.  I know it is not a side dish, but every year I make my own gravy because I forget there is a turkey packet included and then we have too much gravy.


This year we are thinking of trying a a new menu.  My daughter is not thrilled about it, but son and I are looking forward to looking for different side dishes and left over meals.  I think we can sell my daughter on the left over menu.  We have found some great recipes on the Jennie-O site.   Jennie-O has a Harvest Menu.  The 100% Fall Festive menu features Jennie-O Oven Ready Turkey, traditional sides with a modern twist and will be featured on Kelly and Michael!

I am so excited for Thanksgiving this year and am looking forward to the great food will be feasting on.

If you have not gotten your turkey or are trying to figure out what kind of turkey you should get, I am telling you this is the easiest turkey you will every prepare and not to mention it taste good as well.

Disclosure:Product/compensation was received in exchange for review.
Don’t be afraid to be free!!!

Jennie-O-2BTurkey-300x169 Quick Turkey Recipes With My Jennie-O Oven Ready Turkey

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