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Ageless Derma– I love wearing a natural look when I wear make up.  Ageless Derma has satin lip gloss nearly nude that I have been sampling.  The satin feel is comparable to a good conditioner and most important it is made with natural products.

When I wear my satin lip gloss I do not have to apply a lot for the smooth conditioning feel, but if I want a bit of a shine and want my lips to pop, I apply a little more.

This moisturizing lip gloss does have a lot of shine, but I found that it is not long lasting.  When I wear it I have to apply it quit often to maintain the look I want or to continue to feel the satin feel.  In order to keep the shine or the moisturizing feel  I have tried it by applying lip balm first.  Although, I would like to have a great look I want to wear a gloss that stays on.

What I like most is that Ageless Derma Satin Lip Gloss is natural.  I love wearing natural products, because I do not have to fear wearing something that gives my lips a negative side effect.  I am not able to wear all lip gloss.  I have not felt anything negative on my lips while wearing the satin lip gloss.  Thumbs up!!!

Disclosure: Product/Compensation was received in exchange for review.


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