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P&G Tide, Downy and Bounce Are Better Together
She’s Summer Ready! Cotton Shirt and polyester skirt (sheer)

I do not know  who was more excited about the Tide, Downy and Bounce, Better Together campaign, me or my daughter.

After purchasing the three products, it was as if a whirl wind hit my house.  All I heard was, “I am going to wash my linens, my clothes, my this and my that….”  All I could do was look at her.  Was she serious???  Before I knew it I could hear the washer and dryer going.  She was serious.  I needed to stop her before there would not be any for me to use.  There are other people in this household.

My family loves everything to be fresh and clean.  My daughter is a fashion blogger , so she tried to pull the, this is will help my blog,” card.  Really….. None the less she was the first use Tide, Downy and Bounce.  All three have been brands that we use.  I have to admit, I am not consistent with using all three at once, but have done so in the past.  So to have all three, was refreshing.  They just make everything smell so fresh.   While I am washing I can smell the clothes washing, when they come out of the dryer everything still smells good.  I definitely know someone has been washing.

P&G Tide, Downy and Bounce Are Better Together


All three products are great.  Tide gets our clothes clean and smelling great.  We had a tough time deciding on which downy we wanted.  We had Downy Unstoppables at home, so we decided to get the liquid Downy.  We had not used that in a while.  So we were able to use both when we washed.  Not at the same time, but during different loads. We could not decide if we wanted Bounce dyer bars are dryer sheets.  We decided to get the sheets.  We have been using the dryer balls for a couple of years and decide we should go back to the sheets.  Either way we knew we would be pleased.

So far we have used Tide, Downy and Bounce on denim, cotton, and polyester.  We have washed jeans, shirts, skirts, sneakers, sweaters, and linen and have been very pleased.   We have been able to pair my darks, like my cotton and denim together and they are fine.  I purchased some jeans at a store and the sales person insisted that I not wash our denim together with other clothes.  I did not listen to her.  Our new jeans still look good.  I do not turn them inside out or anything when washing.  I do not dry them, but after a wash they look great!  There is no bleeding or fading.  With all of our other clothes, I still separate our delicates from everything and wash the delicates together, but other than that I am pleased with the results.  Our clothes are soft, smell good and clean.

It seems like I am always washing, because I am constantly washing my and my seven year old son’s clothes.  Sometimes it seems like a chore.  But, this morning I woke up to get a load in early.   I was kind of inspired by what my son told me the other day.

As I removed  his clothes from the dryer he said he smelled like a kid at school.  I asked him what did he mean.  He said, they both smell like the clothes smell when they come out of the dryer.  He said, “We smell the same all day now.”  I guess there is another mom using Tide, Downy and Bounce as well.  Kids definitely pay attention to detail.

With that said, I am going into summer season prepared for what ever this kids sends my way.

Summer camp begins in a couple of weeks.  I needed a reminder of how well Tide, Downy and Bounce work well together.  My son comes home with stains and smells that are so foreign to me.  I need these three to assist me with having a clean little boy.  He gets dirty but is always concerned with his clothes being clean when he returns home.  He is constantly asking me if something is clean, especially his favorite blankets and his beach towels.  He can bring on his dirt and smells and I am  ready to tackle them.

My entire family is summer ready.  We look and smell good.

Tide, Downy and Bounce are definitely Better Together!!!

P&G Tide, Downy and Bounce Are Better Together

This post is sponsored by P&G. With Tide®, Downy® and Bounce®, you can keep your summer fashions looking new up to 50% longer.* Text CLEAN to TARGET (827438) for mobile coupons.
*vs. leading value detergent alone

Disclosure: This post is part of a DailyBuzz Moms Tastemaker program with P&G.

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P&G Tide, Downy and Bounce Are Better Together