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Mango%2BPassion%2BMargarita%2BPowell%2Band%2BMahoney Powell And Mahoney Margarita Mixers Review

I am not the person that normally drinks.  Last Friday, I had a guest over and decided to whip out my bottle of Powell and Mahoney Mango Passion Fruit Margarita mixer.  Very impressive huh?

I normally do not do this but I allowed myself to be pressured into drinking.  After listening to them say it was good and for some reason watching them drink it made it seem like it would really taste good.  In the back of my mind I kept thinking Mango Passion Fruit just may taste good.  I finally gave in  all the while making sure they did not add too much tequila.  Wow! It did taste good.   It got me in the mood for summer.  It was fruity, sweet and tropical.  It was definitely something new and different for me.

I was actually saving this for the summer, but hey Summer is literally right around the corner, so why not.  Drinking this has been a jump start to our Summer and a great ending to Spring.  My family has plans to entertain quit a bit this summer and I will be offering my guest Powell and Mahoney.

We did not drink the entire bottle of the mixer.  We were able to use the twist top on the bottle and place it in refrigerator until we get together again (next weekend!!!)  I am just kidding.  I do not know when, but I am sure we will be making margaritas.

I have not tried any of the other flavors, but I am sure I will in due time.

The mixers retail for $7.99 and they’re sold nationwide at specialty grocery stores; Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, and Wegmans, just to name a few. They also just received nationwide distribution at Target stores. 

Disclosure: Product/compensation was received in exchange for post.
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Mango%2BPassion%2BMargarita%2BPowell%2Band%2BMahoney Powell And Mahoney Margarita Mixers Review