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Free And For Me

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As many people pray for Bobbi Kristina.  I thought it would be fitting to share an uplifting story that hit close to home.  My friend Lyle Jackson and her family  was faced a similar situation with her son Langston, that is parallel to what Bobby Brown and Bobbi Kristina are facing today.

A couple of days a go Lyle posted this on her facebook wall.

GOD IS STILL IN THE MIRACLE BUSINESS! Like Bobby Brown, our family was told those exact words about my son, who sustained an anoxic brain injury(lack of oxygen) from a drug overdose in March 2013. The doctors at Cedars Sinai told us he had no brain activity. They said if he doesn’t wake up in 4 days, he’s not waking up! After being, unresponsive,in a pervasive vegetative state, in a coma for 37 days, HE WOKE UP! His MIRACLE RECOVERY was captured by BBC(British Broadcasting Network). HE IS THE FIRST MIRACLE EVER FILMED BY BBC. If you have 57 life changing minutes, go to “YOUTUBE-BBC Louis Theroux,LA Stories Ep2, Edge of Life”. CLICK THE LINK BELOW! It begins and ends with my son. GOD HAS THE FINAL WORD, NOT THE DOCTORS! PASS IT ON!……….Lyle Bluitt-Jackson

As I began to share this story with you,  I went back to Lyle’s wall and this is what she posted today:

The documentary L.A Stories on BBC, which included my son, Langston’s miracle recovery, Edge of Life,PT2 has been nominated for this award! Check it out, if you haven’t seen it. It’s forever life changing!

I honestly believe in miracles.  I have seen Langston recently and am amazed by his remarkable recovery.  Through God’s grace and mercy he is healed.  I encourage you to watch the above video and see what God has done and can do.

Happy Friday
Don’t be afraid to be free!!!

29 Freedom Friday - I Believe In Miracles - A Message to Bobby Brown - The Story of @langstonjackson