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Free And For Me

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Earlier this week my daughter took me out for breakfast at Bobby’s in Woodland Hills.  I have been dining at Bobby’s for years and love the food.

After the check was given to us, my daughter scanned the check to make sure the charges were correct.  Basically, making sure we were not over charged.  Instead she found we were not charged for our coffee and orange juice.  For a split second we both thought about not saying anything. Maybe a second passed and a pain of guilt swept across us.  We both said at the same time, that would not be right.  When the waitress returned, my daughter told her about the error.  She began to laugh and say, “I know.   I am not charging you for your drinks.  I can do that.  I have been working here since 1971.”  She said, she was happy to see we brought it to her attention.  It let her know there are still honest people out there.  But, clearly this was not an error.

This lead into a conversation about the dishonest people in today’s society and all of the negativity that is lurking.

Although, the waitress purposely took off the charges, just think if she had not intended to do so.  I am so happy we decided to point it out to her.

This is one more reason why I like dining at Bobby’s.

Happy Friday!
Don’t be afraid to be free!!!

Fantasy-Sweepstakes-150x150 Honesty is the Best Policy