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My son and I received an autographed, copy of The Adventures of Jimmy and Charlie to review from the author Rodney Mack.  We were excited, because this would be my sons first book review.

I was looking forward to reading this book, because it is a Word based book in relation to the Bible.  I have found children’s books like this allow children to have a better understanding of God and answers many questions they may have.

My son just turned seven and loves the time we spend together, reading books.  My son was excited, because it was a “chapter book”.  He thinks it is a chapter book, because he saw three short stories.  This made him feel like a big boy.  The Adventures of Jimmy and Charlie follows two cats as they explore their new world and make many friends. What I liked about this book is the stories are based on real events.  As we read the stories, we found the stories allowed us to picture the cats and how sweet they were.  My son would say, “They are so cute.”  As Jimmy and Charlie journeyed through their adventures we laughed and talked about life lessons, like listening to your parents and making friends.

As for the reading level, my son was able to read a lot of the book, but he is not at a point that he could read this alone.  The Adventures of Jimmy and Charlie is a great story time book for me to read to him, but he would like to read on his own.  Once he becomes more of an advanced reader, I am sure he will be pulling the book off of the shelf for his quiet time.

Thank you Rodney Mack for sharing The Adventures of Jimmy and Charlie with me and my son.

IMG_2251-150x150 The Adventures of Jimmy and Charlie Review