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Recently I received a sample of Purex Complete with Zout.  It is a deteregent and pre-treater, all in one.  When it arrived my family and I were excited.  My children love clean clothes.  My 5 year old son is always making sure I have washed his clothes and my 16 year old daughter is always washing.  We could not wait to see if this stuff really worked.

Purex Complete with Zout contains three powerful stain-fighting enzymes, that target different types of stains.  They work against protein based stains as blood and grass, starchy stains like chocolate and tomato sauce, and lastly, work against guar which is used a thickener in many foods, such as ice cream, barbecue sauce and salad dressing.  Well, my 5 year old clothes would be the best to test this out.  With his clothes I have just loaded them in the washer  using the Purex and when they are done I dry them and upon inspection I have not seen any stains. Now, if I have tough a stain I have applied some of the Purex directly on the stain and rubbed it in until the stain fades away, let it sit for 5 minutes and then through it in with the rest of the clothes to wash.

I suggest that you go out and purchase some.  My family and I like using this product.

Try a free sample at

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